
Responsible for the content of this website is

Schoeller-Bleckmann Oilfield Technology GmbH
Hauptstrasse 2
A-2630 Ternitz, Austria
Tel.: (+43) (0)2630 315-0
Fax: (+43) (0)2630 315-401

Registered office: Ternitz, Niederösterreich
Company register number:FN152516p
Commercial court: Wr.Neustadt
UID/ VAT number: ATU64257547

Fundamental aims of content
Presentation of the company to inform customers and interested companies in the metal industry, as well as the public about our products, technical possibilities as well as the research and development work.

Purpose of the company  
Schoeller-Bleckmann Oilfield Technology GmbH is the global market leader in high-precision components for the oilfield service industry. The business focus is on non-magnetic drillstring components for directional drilling. High-precision machining (milling, turnig, boring etc.) as contract manufacturer for metal technology products as well as prototypes and 0 series.

Professional title 
Oilfield service equipment manufacturer

Chamber affiliation
Lower Austria Economic Chamber, trade group mechanical engineering and metalware industry

Schoeller-Bleckmann Oilfield Technology GmbH is authorized according to the trade regulations (GewO, see ) to practice the following business: Production of products for the natural gas and oil drilling industry, in particular drill string production, in the form of an industrial enterprise.

Executive body of the company
Ing. Franz Wurzer, Managing Director

Copy Right
Webdesign: Agentur Schopfhauser
Images: Pia Schopfhauser
3D-Modelling: Paul Schopfhauser

Home / Hero Header / Young Man /  Christian Jungwirth
Home / Airplane /

Home / Movie / filmpro Dipl.-Ing. David Rudolf

Gunhole / filmpro Dipl.-Ing. David Rudolf
SBO / Lisa Turczyn
SC/DC Center / Andreas Buchgerger
Map / freecomm werbeagentur gmbh